Here’s How Conga Managed Services Help Business Growth

  • Conga Managed Services

Conga Managed Services is a suite of solutions offered by Conga designed to empower businesses to optimize their Conga solutions and maximize their return on investment.

Conga Managed Services include a wide range of services, such as

  • ongoing system support and maintenance,
  • performance monitoring and reporting,
  • software updates and upgrades.

Conga’s team of experts works closely with clients to identify and address any issues or concerns and provide proactive recommendations to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their Conga solutions.

Additionally, Conga Managed Services offers training and educational resources to help businesses improve their Conga skills and increase user adoption across their organizations.

How does Conga Managed Services help businesses?

Conga Managed Services aims to provide businesses with a comprehensive, tailored approach to managing and optimizing their Conga solutions. The business benefits are diverse as discussed below:

  • Increased efficiency: Conga Managed Services can help businesses optimize their Conga solutions and automate processes. This in turn saves time, increases efficiency and productivity, and delivers higher ROI.
  • Improved user adoption: Conga Managed Services provides training and education resources to help businesses increase user adoption of their Conga solutions. This can help enterprises to get the most out of their investment in Conga software.
  • Proactive issue resolution: With Conga Managed Services, businesses can benefit from ongoing system support and maintenance. This means that any issues or concerns are addressed proactively, which can prevent downtime and ensure that systems are running smoothly.
  • Scalability: As businesses grow, their needs may change. Conga Managed Services can help businesses scale their Conga solutions to meet their changing needs, whether that means adding new functionality or integrating with other systems.
  • Strategic guidance: Conga’s team of experts can provide strategic guidance to help businesses identify new opportunities for process improvement and cost savings. This helps businesses to compete and adapt to changing market conditions.

How does Conga CPQ help businesses?

A leading CPQ solution in the market, Conga CPQ empowers sales teams and the overall organization in many ways:

  • Increased efficiency: Conga CPQ streamlines the sales process by automating tasks such as product configuration, pricing, and quotes.
  • Improved accuracy: Conga CPQ reduces the risk of errors by automating the configuration and pricing of products. This can help ensure that quotes are accurate and consistent, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction and reduced rework.
  • Faster quote delivery: Conga CPQ automates the generation and delivery of quotes, which can reduce the time it takes to get quotes to customers. This can lead to faster sales cycles and increased revenue.
  • Better visibility: Conga CPQ provides real-time visibility into the sales pipeline, allowing sales teams to track deals and identify areas for improvement. This can help sales teams make data-driven decisions and improve their overall performance.
  • Increased sales: By streamlining the sales process, improving accuracy, and providing better visibility into the sales pipeline, Conga CPQ can help businesses increase their sales and revenue.

How does Conga CLM help businesses?

Conga CLM is one of the leading CLM solutions in the industry. Its features help businesses in many ways:

  • Improved contract visibility: Conga CLM provides real-time visibility into the entire contract lifecycle, from creation to expiration. This allows businesses to track contracts and stay on top of important dates and deadlines.
  • Increased efficiency: Conga CLM streamlines the contract process by automating tasks such as contract creation, negotiation, and approval. This can save time and increase efficiency, allowing businesses to close deals faster.
  • Improved accuracy: Conga CLM reduces the risk of errors by automating the creation and approval of contracts. This can help ensure that contracts are accurate and consistent, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction and reduced rework.
  • Better compliance: Conga CLM helps businesses comply with regulations and standards by providing tools for tracking and managing contract terms and conditions. This can reduce the risk of non-compliance and associated penalties.
  • Increased revenue: By streamlining the contract process, improving accuracy, and providing better compliance tools, Conga CLM can help businesses increase their revenue and profitability.

About Cloudely

Cloudely Inc. is a strategic partner with Conga. We deliver Conga managed services and a wide range of solutions related to the Conga suite. Our team comprises Conga Certified professionals who help our clients to reap more returns on their Conga investments. Connect with us at to know how Conga can make a difference in your business growth.

By |2023-04-05T21:51:32+05:30April 5th, 2023|Business|Comments Off on Here’s How Conga Managed Services Help Business Growth