The Power of Data Cloud in Business Transformation

  • The Power of Data Cloud in Business Transformation

Amidst the explosion of data generation and consumption, businesses face an interesting challenge amidst increasing digital unrest: how to leverage data that is most likely underutilized to bring about real changes in our businesses? From shopping behaviors in consumers to logistics of supply chains, medical records to genomics, urban design, and planning, environmental management data are produced in large quantities. However, for most organizations, this data sits locked away in silos, its true value left untapped.

What Statics Represent?

Statistics show the power of data cloud is immense. It is predicted by IDC (International Data Corporation) that at the time of writing this article and 2025, there will be an exponential growth in the worldwide data space to a terrifying 175 zettabytes, i.e., 175 trillion gigabytes. It is worth mentioning that one zettabyte is equal to one billion terabytes.

Data Cloud

About fifty percent of data is anticipated to be in public cloud environments, necessitating a new data architecture that combines all scattered information into one center where all insights are kept. This is where the power of the data cloud comes in.

Data Cloud and Its Features

What is a data cloud? A data cloud provides the ability to source and derive value from rapidly growing data sets regardless of where that data resides. Some key features of a data cloud include:

  • Breaking down data silos: Disparate data spheres within functions, systems, or geographic locations can be unified into a single logical pool, removing data fragmentation.
  • Scalability: Cloud-native architecture allows on-demand elastic scaling of storage and computing resources to accommodate bursts in data volume or workload complexity.
  • Flexibility: Data remains decentralized, creating and sharing virtually through secure connectivity. There is no need to replicate or migrate data physically.
  • Agility: Self-service analytics enable real-time insights through low-code/no-code tools like SQL, visualization dashboards, and AI/ML models.
  • Cost optimization: Pay-per-use pricing eliminates upfront infrastructure investments and only charges for actual consumption at microsecond granularity.
  • Global data sharing: Data can be accessed and analyzed seamlessly across any location, team, or cloud provider through a unified experience.

Real-time Examples How Data Cloud Helps Businesses

Let’s explore examples of how leading companies drive digital transformations with their data clouds.

Formula 1 Speed-Up Fan Experiences

One of the world’s most popular sporting organizations, Formula 1, generated immense data from digital touchpoints like websites, mobile apps, and social media. However, fractured systems made activating real-time insights across marketing, sales, and service teams difficult.

By moving to a data cloud architecture, Formula 1 created a central “single source of truth” to access all customer, behavioral, and CRM data.

Sophisticated analytics now powered by their data cloud have enabled Formula 1 to deliver hyper-personalized experiences for fans. For example, location-based offers, content tailored to favorite drivers, and social media campaigns aimed at new fan acquisition based on near real-time trends.

The results have been dramatic – 88% increase in fan satisfaction, 86% first contact resolution rates, and a robust 99.6% email delivery success.

Air India Takes Personalization to New Heights

As one of India’s major airlines, Air India manages immense customer data daily across ticket bookings, check-ins, loyalty profiles, and more. However, siloed legacy systems meant this treasure trove of insights sat underutilized.

By moving mission-critical workloads and data marts onto their data cloud, Air India unlocked new heights of customer centricity and service excellence.

Predictive analytics powered by AI models now deliver hyper-personalized customer assistance via omni-channel touchpoints. For example, AI-enabled chatbots provide instant answers to frequent questions using sentiment analysis and resolution recommendations.

Customer service agents also benefit from AI-powered knowledge bases to solve issues swiftly. As a result, Air India has reduced average case resolution times by 30% while boosting first contact resolutions to over 80% – translating to delighted customers and increased loyalty in a highly competitive market.

The Roaring Success of Data Harmonization

A large media company possessed immense amounts of content streaming data trapped in isolated business silos. To enable deeper audience segmentation and insights for advertisers, the company needed to break down these data silos and put the pieces together through dimensional data models.

Moving to a unified data cloud allowed the company to ingest streaming metrics, page views, clickstreams alongside member profiles into a centralized repository for the first time. This gave rise to new dimensions like user location, device type in use, and content consumption patterns easily enabling hypergranular audience micro-segments.

Marketers could leverage these real-time audience profiles through dynamic ad insertion and personalized recommendations. The results included a 37% increase in viewer retention rates and a 46% boost in new subscriber conversions – highlighting the power of unified data to unlock exponential business value through a modern data architecture.

The examples highlighted demonstrate enormous business value across industries from harnessing organizational data on a unified, cloud-centric foundation. As enterprises progress along their data maturity journeys, what comes next will be weaving together previously fragmented data silos with external sources.

Gain the Fullest Potential of Data with Cloudely

Cloudely Inc. helps its customers to attain the maximum potential of data, empowering them with better decision-making. Email us at for data cloud implementation. Follow us on LinkedIn for regular updates.


By |2024-06-21T10:28:50+05:30June 21st, 2024|Business|Comments Off on The Power of Data Cloud in Business Transformation